Small Groups Praying for Their Church

Why don’t we pray in ways that match what we say we believe about prayer? I suspect that though we give prayer lip service, we don’t pray because we don’t make time to pray. I also suspect that we know so little about God and His work that we don’t know how to pray. We just keep praying the same old things.

Previously I posted a blog about praying for your pastor. You can find it here. Now let’s look how ideas for leading our small groups to prayer for your church. Here are 40 ideas to help kick start your group praying for your church:

  • Pray for unity (Ps. 133:1; Eph. 1:1-16; 1 Peter 3:8).
  • Pray that every member of the church will see the church’s mission as their every own.
  • Pray for the church’s numerical growth.
  • Pray for the church’s spiritual growth.
  • Pray for your pastor and other ministry staff.
  • Pray for confession and repentance among church members.
  • Pray for revival.
  • Pray that the will of God be done in and through your church.

“The most dangerous prayer you can pray is just 2 words: ‘Use me!’” – Rick Warren (See more at:

  • Pray for your church’s reputation in the community.
  • Pray for church members to have personal character that will uphold the church’s reputation.
  • Pray for wisdom in using God’s resources of people, equipment, and finances.
  • Pray for leaders throughout the church: ministry teams, committees, and even the unofficial leaders every church has.
  • Pray for new leaders.
  • Pray for small group leaders and teachers throughout your church.
  • Pray for a missionary vision to grow in your church.

“If you only pray when you feel like it, Satan will make sure you never feel like it. – Rick Warren (See more at:

  • Pray for specific needs of your congregation.
  • Pray for opportunities for church members to share their faith.
  • Pray that the church will grow burdened for the lost in your community.
  • Pray for key committees in your church: stewardship committee, finance committee, personnel committee, missions committee, evangelism committee, and others.
  • Pray for your church’s ministry to age groups in your church: preschool, children, youth/students, and adults.
  • Pray for new Bible study groups to start in your church.
  • Pray that the lost and unchurched of your community will become aware of your church in positive ways.

“Prayer honors God, acknowledges His being, exalts His power, adores His providence, secures His aid.” – E. M. Bounds (See more at:

  • Pray for new volunteers for your church’s various ministries.
  • Pray that members will capture visions for expanded ministry and will lead out.
  • Pray for the visitors attending your church’s worship services.
  • Pray for families and parents in your church.
  • Pray for special events your church may be hosting: camps, retreats, and outreach.
  • Pray that those traveling by your church’s physical location will view it positively and with interest.
  • Pray that those accessing your church’s website will view it positively and with interest.
  • Pray that the church will together seek out God’s purpose for the church.

“God’s purposes move along the pathway made by prayer to their glorious designs.” – E. M. Bounds (See more at:

  • Pray that God will bring lost and unchurched people to church services, small groups, and other events.
  • Pray that church members will influence their neighborhoods for the gospel.
  • Pray for churches who cooperate with your church so they will present a unified witness.
  • Pray that lost persons will be saved.
  • Ask God for resources needed to fulfill your church’s mission.
  • Ask God to put the names of others in your church on your hearts and pray for them.
  • Pray through your church’s prayer list.

“Intercession is putting yourself in God’s place; it is having His mind and His perspective.” – Oswald Chambers (See more at:

  • Pray for those in your church who are in special need: unemployed, ill, experiencing grief or loss, family stress, depression, and other needs.
  • Pray for ________________________.

Prayer is vital for every step in following Jesus and in everything the church does. Consider sharing this post with your group or even printing this list and asking group members to take 3 to 5 items as their personal prayer assignments. See if your group can add other prayer prompts to this list. Then encourage your group to pray faithfully and believing in faith that God will answer. From time to time, ask your group how their praying is going. Ask if any have already seen answers to these prayer requests. Celebrate God’s responses to your prayers and constantly encourage one another to pray.

“The name of Jesus, the power of his blood, and the prayer of faith have never lost their power over the centuries.” – Jim Cymbala (See more at:

Scripture: Read Colossians1:9-10. In what ways can you use Paul’s prayer description for the church at Colosse in praying for your church.

Dig Deeper: Read Disciple’s Prayer Life: Walking in Fellowship with God by T.W. Hunt and Catherine Walker.

Published: Jan 26, 2017


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