Fall Colloquy 2015 features Linda Cannell

Linda Cannell, Ed.D., will be the featured speaker for Carroll’s Fall Colloquy 2015. Dr. Cannell has served in academic roles in theological education for over 25 years. For 19 years she served as Professor of Educational Ministries and Director of the Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago. From 2006-2008, she was Lois W. Bennett Distinguished Professor of Educational Ministries at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. From 2008-2011 she served as academic dean at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago. In her retirement, she currently serves as adjunct faculty at North Park Theological Seminary (NPTS) in Chicago.
Linda Cannell

Dr. Cannell will be speaking on the topic Theological Education Matters which will be divided into three sessions:

Session 1:
Congregations Matter

The Carroll Institute partners with “teaching churches”. This workshop is based on the premise that such a partnership is essential because just as education does not equal public school, theological education does not equal theological school. Theological education is for the whole people of God and theological schools are simply one way to get the job done. Forming effective networks is, therefore, a key task for institutions in the 21st century. However, this partnership also necessitates that those involved in the Institute and in the teaching churches be clear about the nature of the church as an institution and as the people of God.

Session 2:
Toward a Learning Century for Theological Education

The general consensus in the ATS membership (accrediting agency for North American theological schools) is that the theological curriculum is now “hopelessly overcrowded” with subjects and programs—limiting effectiveness in both the professional and academic development of leaders. While most faculty would disown the assumptions that learning happens automatically, that the teacher induces learning just by speaking or coerces learning by examinations, the structures of higher education, focused as they are on teaching rather than learning, create a climate where these assumptions are difficult to avoid. The perception of faculty as subject matter specialists requires activities that can hinder their development as learning specialists—as those who facilitate learning. A focus on learning and the development of learning specialists is a major challenge for theological education. Could the 21st century be the “Learning Century” in theological education?

Session 3:
Join a Global Conversation About the Future of Theological Education

The familiar form of theological schooling has remained relatively unchanged for over 200 years. ATS recently invited schools to submit proposals for innovation grants. Leaders in the Majority World now know that the forms they inherited from the west are inadequate for their realities. They are actively creating new models. What is possible? What do you want the Carroll Institute to look like ten years from now? How do you envision its role in the global community of theological education for the whole people of God?


The Colloquy sessions are open to the public and will be held at:
The Carroll Center
6500 N. Belt Line Rd.,
Irving, TX 75063

For complete information and registration Go Here.

A generous donation by Burton and Ginger Patterson has established

The Fred and Pauline Patterson Endowed Colloquy Fund

Published: Sep 24, 2015


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