Why National Day of Prayer is More Urgent Than Ever

Dr. Karen Bullock, Director of Carroll’s Ph.D. program, is featured in EthicsDaily.com with her article entitled Why National Day of Prayer is More Urgent Than Ever.

May 4 2017

Here are four practical ways to engage with our families, friends, faith and civil communities on May 4:

  • Set aside a special time on May 4 to engage in thoughtful prayer. Pray specifically for our elected leaders, police, fire and other officials.
  • If possible, fast on that day, focusing your mind and heart upon our nation’s need for God’s guidance.
  • Cross boundaries to invite others to pray. If your church, religious community, neighborhood or city has no service planned, be the one to do so.
  • Believe in faith that God will move. He has promised to respond when we humbly turn to him.


Published: Apr 29, 2017


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