Carroll Midland Gathering

Dr. Bruce Corley, Senior Fellow, and Gene Wilkes, President, met with church leaders, Carroll students, professors and partners in ministry on Wednesday, May 11 in Midland, TX. Twenty-two attended the informational luncheon where Drs. Corley and Wilkes updated the group on the growth and influence of B. H. Carroll. Current students shared encouraging testimonials about the impact Carroll professors have had on their lives and ministries. One student said, “I would put this faculty up against any other faculty. They are that good.” Another student who is a paramedic said, “There is a difference between a book paramedic and a field paramedic. Carroll professors are field paramedics.” Three Carroll Resident Fellows attended the luncheon.

Dr. Darin Wood, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, Midland, hosted Drs. Corley and Wilkes and participated in several meetings throughout the day. First Baptist Church is a Carroll Teaching Church and a supporting partner in the Vietnamese Master of Arts in Theology program. Dr. Wood toured the room used for Carroll’s classes, which First Baptist outfitted with the technology needed to have video conference classes at the church and broadcast to students all over the world. The first and second Presidents of Carroll also met with the Missions leadership of First Baptist to thank them for their investment in Carroll’s global mission and to find ways in which the partnership can continue to grow.

Dr. Wilkes was encouraged by the day’s events and said, “This was an enjoyable and fruitful day. Carroll Institute is alive and growing in Midland. What a blessing to work with such committed students, faculty and vibrant churches like FBC, Midland.” If you would be interested in hosting a regional meeting like the one in Midland, contact Nancy Muskrat at

Luncheon at First Baptist MidlandDr. Gene Wilkesmidland-corleymidland-first-baptist-tn
Published: May 13, 2016


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